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Bookmark this page and check back often for articles about marsh trenching, airboat transportation, excavation, swamp clearing, pipeline reclamation, and other services related to Stan’s Airboat and Marsh Excavation Service. We also publish anything of interest relating to the Louisiana bayou where we work and play. Get in touch with us today if you have an idea for an article–we’d love to hear from you.

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23Apr 20

How Marsh Excavators Work

When working in swamps and other wet marshlands, you need equipment that will float in these delicate environments. Thankfully, marsh excavators are built to do just that. Continue reading as…

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02Dec 19

How to Bury Fiber Optic Cables

There are two standard types of outdoor fiber optic cable installations: underground cable installation and pole line aerial installation. Today, we’re going to dive into the basics of the first…

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18Nov 19

The 4 Phases of Wetland Restoration

Typically, wetland remediation projects require ample restoration. At Stan’s, we’re no strangers to environmental protection, and we take careful precautions to make sure that the wetlands we work in stay…

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21Oct 19

5 Excavation Safety Tips

Marsh excavation is no simple task, and if not properly executed, serious damage to both workers and the environment can occur. At Stan’s, we use the following five excavator safety…

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04Oct 19

Coastal Erosion Timeline

Louisiana coastal erosion is occurring at an alarming rate of one football field per hour, costing roughly $500 million annually in land and property loss. Over just the last 200…

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01Aug 19

Hurricane Debris Cleanup in the Marsh

While Hurricane Barry was not as powerful as anticipated, many areas in Southern Louisiana were deeply affected. Being that the coastline is a hurricane magnet, Louisiana marshlands typically require extensive…

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17Jul 19

Excavating in Delicate Ecosystems

In order to preserve the environment, special precautions need to be taken when excavating in delicate ecosystems. When using special amphibious equipment like marsh excavators to perform such a task,…

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19Jun 19

What is Pipeline Reclamation?

Pipeline reclamation is a very important task in the oil and gas industry that involves clearing away dangerous overgrowth from the pipeline. This can be done using chainsaws and excavators,…

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16May 19

What is Non-Hazardous Waste?

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA, defines hazardous waste as any waste that has the potential to be harmful to humans or the environment. It can have a variety…

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28Feb 19

Wetland Restoration Explained

There's a lot that goes into wetland restoration. From building up levees to digging canals, there are several methods used to reduce the amount of damage that the oil and…

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02Oct 18

The Importance of Mosquito Control

Mosquitoes can breed anywhere there is water. With countless marshes and bayous in Louisiana, these insects can definitely become problematic. This is where effective mosquito control services come into play…

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30May 17

Land Clearing Basics

Land Clearing Basics Land clearing is the removal of trees and other vegetation from a site to prepare another for development. It also includes grubbing, which is the excavation of…

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21Dec 16

Pipeline Reclamation Checklist

Reclamation is the last-but-not-least crucial phase of most oil- and gas-related pipeline projects. When negotiating the development of a pipeline, it’s important to discuss an easement, or contract, for reclamation…

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15Sep 16

The Atchafalaya Basin: Ecology and Industry

Discover Louisiana's Atchafalaya Basin Located in south-central Louisiana, the Atchafalaya Basin is bordered by the Mississippi River and Tributaries (MR&T) system levees, which constantly changes the Basin’s landscape. The Basin…

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14Aug 16

Marsh Excavators: Cool Videos

Excavation tools? That's something we're passionate about here at Stan's Airboat and Marsh Excavator Service. The excavators we use are sophisticated, intelligent, and, let’s face it, pretty cool. If you’re…

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11Aug 16

Pipeline Trenching Done Right

Need Marsh Trenching? There are lots of reasons you might need pipeline trenching services. Here at Stan’s, we often work with utilities companies laying pipeline or fiber optic cable. These…

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15Jul 16

What Can a Gator Foot Do For You?

Swamp buggy or amphibious tractor? No matter how you classify it, gator foot vehicles from Stan’s Airboat and Marsh Excavator Service can handle the toughest terrain South Louisiana's bayous and…

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08Jul 16

Hydraulic and Mechanical Dredges

In the business of wetlands excavation and dredging, there are two main types of dredges: mechanical and hydraulic. Both of these dredges serve a purpose, but the hydraulic dredge, as…

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